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APAST Member Services

APAST provides opportunities for members to stay informed, get involved, and be active at a professional level that is different from the classroom. APAST offers recently selected PAs the opportunities to interact and network with PA alumni. At the same time, PA alumni get the opportunity to continue their professional growth by sharing their ideas and expertise. As members we can offer our own experiences as evidence of personal growth and develop a network of resources and remain life-long learners.
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  • As a member you are in the mainstream of information exchanges. Being in the know is one of the first steps to getting involved. The Benefits of APAST membership brochure contains information about the benefits.
  • Attending conferences provides information on new teaching strategies and opportunities to increase content knowledge while you recharge your passion for teaching. Attending conferences increases your opportunities for professional networking. These connections are important because the majority of your teaching time is spent in isolation in your classroom and district. Sharing ideas and communicating provides opportunities for new, content-specific material to be discussed.
  • The APAST Quarterly keeps you informed. The publications provide an avenue for the exchange of new information. The Quarterly keeps you up to date on events scheduled at the conferences and other opportunities such as free member events like the PA hot breakfast, the ice cream social, and presenting at the APAST Share-a-thon.
  • Presentations challenge you to develop or assemble a sequence of materials. You spend time thinking about how to present these activities to fellow educators. APAST provides members opportunities to present on their own or in a group setting. The APAST Share-a-Thon generally has over 30 presenters who are provided poster panels by ShowBoard. Over 200 teachers attend this session.

Best Value

APAST Active Teacher I



Every year

1 Year Membership

Valid until canceled

Best Value

APAST Active Teacher II



2 Year Membership

Valid for 2 years

Best Value

APAST Active Teacher III



3 Year Membership

Valid for 3 years

Best Value

APAST Retired Teacher I



Every year

1 Year Membership

Valid until canceled

Best Value

APAST Retired Teacher II



2 Year Membership

Valid for 2 years

Best Value

APAST Retired Teacher III



3 Year Membership

Valid for 3 years

Choose Your Membership

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Contact Us


3931 Greenview Pines Court

Orlando, FL 32817

© 2023 by Association of Presidential Awardees in Science Teaching

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